What Parts are Included in ‘Post Period Maintenance’ and Why are Airdomes supported by Chinese Government?

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Nowadays,Airdome Applications are getting increasingly popular in Coal Storage, Warehouses, Gym for Sports Fields, it can be customized  in various scenarios to achieve maximizing the utilization rate of space. If you want to get the Maximum level of Security Protection, 'Later Stage Maintenance' is necessary and this process can not be eliminated. What types of ‘Later Stage Maintenances services are required for an airdome? Let’s find out.


Later Stage Maintenance for an Airdome include the following contents:


First is making sure the body of Airdome Membrane material will not be damaged.Airdome Membrane is a flexible material, when Airdome is swipping by heavy strong wind, the body of an Airdome may shift a little bit.The load is redistributed by displacement which acting on the structure; Second thing that we need to watch out for is that Airdome structures need to stay away from other concrete structure buildings and big facilities or equipments that have sharp end in order to avoid damaging on the body of the membrane material. Airdome structures are fragile when it touches sharp object , we need to pay close attention to the sharp objects that placed inside of an Airdome.It is  better use cushion or other type of mat to wrap around the objects inside of Airdome to protect Airdomes from damaging .



Ensuring Air Impermeability of an Airdome to Avoid Collapsing

Airdome type of structure is a sealed structure, the door entrance of an Airdome is specially designed only for Airdome,such as revolving door or Mutually Locked Electric Balance Door. For logistics, Airdome adopts what is called Interlocking Industrial Lifting Door. Fire Emergency Doors are only used as emergency escape path. In terms of daily use, we need to check these access control systems regularly to make sure these systems are functional in order to allow airdome to operate normally.  



We always need to make sure the Air Pressure stays in appropriate range inside of airdome to avoid collapsing.


For Airdome type of structure, keeping constant pressure inside of Airdome is the key to operate Airdomes. If there is pressure change between internal space and exteral environment, the stability of the structure will be effected.


Why we need to invest a lot of time and energy into Airdome development? It is because our country is advocating the concept of Green Development’. Airdomes can be reused for multiple times and do not generate Hazardous  substances during installation, it is the perfect choice to protect the environment.


Airdome type of structure will not generate wastes during installation, unlike traditional Concrete Buildings which are producing tons of wastes during construction, Airdomes can also be used to cover the polluted substance such as coal, Airdomes are crucial for sustainable development.



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